Community Posts

rick swope

Hello everyone, this Easter The Ortando's Brigade delivered 48 more lunches to Salem's homeless. It was very rewarding to all we volunteers.

9 years ago

rick swope

This year, Thanksgiving 2014, we doubled our first year and created and distributed 52 lunches with care packages to the homeless in Salem.

10 years ago

rick swope

Last Thanksgiving our modest effort delivered 24 "Turkey Lunches' to homeless people in Salem. The experience was very rewarding.

10 years ago

rick swope

This is a new effort here in Salem Oregon and will be modest this season. Hopefully The Ortando's Salem Oregon Basket Brigade will grow to help many in the coming years. An inspiring quote from Mahatma Gandhi: " There are people in the world so hungry, that G-d cannot appear to them except in the form of bread".

11 years ago