Tone King
Joanne McMahon
Al Melchiore
Community Posts
Check out the Delaware Basket Brigade page on Facebook for the details for 2016! We are doing deliveries on Sunday, November 20th.
8 years ago
Join us on our Facebook page:
11 years ago
Nov 23rd we will be packing & delivering the baskets to the families! Thanksgiving day I will be bringing some "homeless bags" to the homeless with bread, peanut butter, clothes, etc.
11 years ago
Pay it forward . . .that's what it's all about!!
11 years ago
The items we are in need of are: Turkey, ham, roast beef Bread Canned Fruit Canned Vegetables Canned Gravy Fruit Juices Canned Soups Fresh Fruit Toys (gently used) Books (gently used) Blankets (gently used) Clothing (gently used) Paper products Laundry products Soaps / toiletries Cookies, cakes, pies Baskets
11 years ago
Thank you for commitment, no matter how big or small. I am currently gathering the information on families in our area who are in need. I'm so excited that we're going to be able to bring some happiness into the lives of those who may have no hope.
11 years ago