Tania Quezadacavazos

Community Posts

Tania Quezadacavazos

Queridos amigos y familia queremos hacerles una gran invitación, el día 22 de diciembre de este año mi esposo, mis hijos y yo, regalaremos una digna cena a 40 familias, requerimos de su apoyo la lograr esta meta, aceptamos donativos en especie, comida en lata, comida de larga duración, arroz, frijoles, etc. Si desean ser voluntarios para entregar este gran regalo del corazón sean bienvenidos, si conocen de alguna familia que requiera de esta ayuda en el área Este de Houston, por favor háganlo saber. Nuestro cariño y agradecimiento siempre. Familia Quezadacavazos. Nota: no aceptamos donaciones monetarias.

11 years ago

Javier Quezadacavazos

Hello my dear friends, I would love to invite you to help me out this year as I have done in the past to start gathering food for those families who this Christmas would not be able to have a great dinner my family and I will be donating food this next December 22th from 9 am until 5 pm i will start gathering non perishable cans of food at this address anything will be grateful I would not receive any cash donations but you can donate at this page if you wish only food and those who would like to help us out delivering the food you are more welcome remember the date is December 22th so think about the usual dinner we have ( beans, rice, flour etc. ) 2 days before that i will go and buy at least 20 turkeys would love to help 40 families this year please help to reach our goal. Thank you Chef Q and Family.

11 years ago